Songs of Milk and Honey - TMC Singsation! Choral Workshop

As TMC’s Associate Conductor, Ezra Burke was invited to lead a Saturday morning Singsation! - and chose to explore choral music drawn from the Hebraic tradition.
The morning’s programme included:
Nigun Atik (An Ancient Melody) - an Israeli folk song arranged for choir by Sid Robinovitch
Erev Shel Shoshanim “Evening of Roses” - Music by Josef Hadar, Lyrics by Moshe Dor / “Song of Songs”, arranged by Jack Klebano
Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King) from Triumph of the Spirit - Traditional text from Jewish Liturgy, with Music by Torontonian Srul Irving Glick
and selections from Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Handel’s Israel in Egypt

Lara Dodds-Eden